About Us

A Path to a World Full of Love and Courage

After over 8 years of research, participating in educational courses and workshops, studying various fields such as leadership, coaching, business, psychology, and engaging directly with the K2 Group team, I have come to the conclusion that in order to create real transformation in people’s lives and continuously improve life quality, we must go beyond existing business models, management methods, or strategies that are often based on limiting worldviews and frameworks. To change the world forever, we must think beyond these patterns and strategies.

The model I propose is one that intelligently evolves on its own, continually learns, autonomously analyzes issues, and creatively provides solutions to challenges. In this model, we believe that current worldviews have led people, often unconsciously, to focus on things that hold lesser value, such as money, status, and fame. Our model, by creating new worldviews and reference frameworks in a phenomenological way, helps individuals move toward collaboration and pursue what is truly valuable. We support them in stepping forward with courage and commitment for the betterment of all humanity—this is the core of what our lives are about.

Our strategy is to create an opportunity for individuals to step away from their financial concerns and face questions that will allow them to see these questions as a space for possibility and transformation. The answers they provide can continuously change the quality of human life and shape a new future.

Currently, we are supporting individuals who are interested in collaborating with us. By facing challenges related to the K2 business, these individuals can generate creative ideas and solve critical issues. However, unfortunately, our resources are not yet sufficient to accelerate this model, but we are fully committed to providing the necessary resources in the near future.

Through this model, individuals build their own teams and practice “being as a leader Being.” This way, both K2 and these individuals grow, and they can develop and scale their own businesses.

We are advancing this model through research at K2-Kids, K2-Clearing and FamilyLink, and once we achieve tangible results, we implement them at K2 to make our model more complete and effective. Our ultimate goal is to introduce this model globally by 2027 and make it available as open-source for companies and organizations.

In 2027, this model will turn 10 years old, and we proudly declare that we have reached this point. We are still actively searching for new insights and experiences to continue growing this model.

With hope for a world full of love, courage, and fearlessness for all humanity.

___Mohammad Bayat (OkBayat)